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Anglo Saxon History Of English Literature

MCQs of Anglo Saxon History

Anglo Saxon History falls in English Literature history. All those students who prepare themselves for history of English Literature can practice these mcqs. We have tried to include all mcqs of Anglo Saxon history. So, you can practice them well.

MCQs of Anglo Saxon History

1. Anglo Saxon period expands from 5h century to …..

a) 1165

b) 1066

c) 1030

d) 1140

2. The researchers have been working deeply on Anglo Saxon Literature and have found ….. verified manuscript.

a) 200

b) 300

c) 400

d) 500

3. There is a large rich literature belonging to the Anglo Saxon era; the poem that has achieved the national epic status in England is …..

a) Beowulf

b) Caedmon’s Hymn

c) Seafarer

d) The Wanderer

4. Old English was necessarily brought into written form in Britain after …… invasion.

a) Roman

b) French

c) Iranian

d) Danish

5. No doubt, the old English was brought into written form as the officials of…… were afraid of losing their work if not preserved in written form.

a) Court

b) Church

c) Army

d) Literary board

6. The role of King Alfred the Great in preserving Old English is very significant. His period starts from 849A.D to……A.D

a) 899

b) 912

c) 880

d) 901

7. While reading through Anglo Saxon history, a reader comes to know that Old English poetry is of ……types.

a) Eight

b) Ten

c) Two

d) Six

8. Old English Poetry written in heroic Germanic Pre-Christian and Christian types survives majorly in…..manuscripts.

a) Four

b) Eight

c) Five

d) Three

9. While reading through Anglo Saxon history, you come to know that the well-known manuscript is Junius Manuscript. It is also called as………. manuscript.

a) Holy

b) Great

c) Caedmon

d) Alfred

10. The Old English poetry comprises no known rules; it is understood under the modern………

a) Theory

b) Rules

c) Terms

d) Analysis 

11. To understand Old English Poetry, One has to read Beowulf; it comprises …

a) Five

b) Two

c) Three

d) Six

12. There are many interesting facts about the heroic poem Beowulf; for example, it was not available in printed form until……

a) 1645

b) 1942

c) 1815

d) 1720

13. The heroic poem called Beowulf Manuscript has a well-knitted plot. The poem opens in…….

a) Denmark

b) Sweden

c) Italy

d) Britain

14. The country where the poem opens was under the rule of ……… as it has been mentioned in the poem.

a) King Stephen

b) King Harry 11

c) King William

d) King Hrothgar

15. While reading through the poem Beowulf, you come to know that people in the country were living under the terror of a monster called……

a) Scylla

b) Krakan

c) Grendel

d) Blantant

16. The monster had been terrorizing people for 12 years as it had been carrying off the …….. of  King Hrothgar.

a) Princes

b) Warrior 

c) People

d) Courtiers

17. ….….. was the prince of Southern Sweden (then called Geats) who offers his armed services to King Hrothgar. He was offering his services to fight against the monster.

a) Cynewulf

b) Bede

c) Beowulf

d) Caedmon

18. What was the thing that amazed King Hrothgar about the offer of the prince?

a) Prince’s courage

b) Prince’s offer was childish

c) Prince was naive about fighting

d) Prince’s innocent face

19. The poem becomes very interesting when a reader comes to know that the prince eventually encounters the monster and pulled off one of its…….

a) Legs

b) Hands

c) Feet

d) Nails

20. Despite the monster, Grendel had been killed by the prince; the monster’s……. was even worse than it. It comes to avenge the death of Grendel.

a) Brother

b) Father

c) Mother 

d) Sister

21. Having killed the second monster with his sword, the prince is awarded gifts and he comes back to his country. Here, the prince promotes kingship due to….

a) a great achievement

b) death of king

c) his marriage to the king’s daughter

d) people’s choice

22. The rule of this new king lasts for fifty years. Eventually, he dies while fighting against a dragon with the help of his kinsman named…….who also becomes his successor.

a) Wagner

b) Whisper

c) Wiglaf

d) Wiggler

23. There are a lot of things for a reader to learn in the poem; for example, a reader comes to know that there are visible Germanic rules in the poem; loyalty to chief and tribe and …….to enemies.

a) Vengeance 

b) Hatred

c) Encounter

d) Killing

24. The hero fought against the monster not against men. The critics call this poem a Christian……in which the hero becomes a champion of goodness and fights against darkness.

a) Simile

b) Allegory

c) Lesson

d) Metaphor

25. The poem in many ways has been evaluated as thematically heroic tradition erupted from Germanic religion and …….

a) Folklore

b) Mythology

c) Customs

d) History

26. People interested in Old English Literature like reading the eminent poets’ work. Venerable Bede’s Death Song was first published in…… A.D.

a) 735

b) 723

c) 715

d) 729

27. Bede’s Death Song is very interesting; It is a ……. lines poem which has the main idea; how the soul will be judged after death.

a) 9

b) 7

c) 5

d) 3

28. Venerable Bede was a very humble poet who is not only known by his name but also called…….

a) Noble Bede

b) Humble Bede

c) Saint Bede

d) Kind Bede

29. Bede was sent to Monetary of  Monkwearmouth where the plague erupted in …….but Bede survived.

a) 672

b) 686

c) 675

d) 682

30. The Pop Leo X111 of Rome titled Bede as the Doctor of Church in ……

a) 1899

b) 1898

c) 1897

d) 1896

31. Venerable Bede was not only a poet but also a ………as there is a lot of work in prose attributed to his name in Old English.

a) Merchant

b) Historian

c) Playwright

d) Civil servant

32. Bede loved writing, he wrote his first work with the title the De Arte Matrica in the year…..A.D.

a) 711

b) 710

c) 706

d) 701

33. Bede was a multi-talented person who work on a variety of subjects, for example, his work on grammar, chronology….. studies.

a) Biological

b) Biblical 

c) Ventral

d) Astronomical

34. Bede’s work was is not only in written form but also came to people through……for example physical appearance of Paulinus of York.

a) Oral tradition

b) Symbols

c) Drawing

d) Portraits

35. Despite the Anglo Saxon literature has been considered to be difficult to read, however, Bede’s work is easier than the work of …….to be read and understood.

a) Wulfstan

b) Caedmon

c) Aldhelm

d) Cynewulf

36. The longest manuscript in the Anglo Saxon literature is considered to be Beowulf; it comprises …….lines.

a) 4186

b) 5628

c) 6712

d) 3182

37. The researchers have discovered a variety of Anglo Saxon literary works; for example, a manuscript comprises just 53 lines (the shortest ever work) having cries of a wife with the title….

a) A Wailing Wife

b) The Wife’s Lament

c) A Wife’s cry

d) A Wife Moans

38. One of the Jewel in the Crown of Anglo Saxon Literature is The Exeter Book comprising several……

a) Stories

b) Riddles

c) Poems

d) Biographies

39. Several manuscripts beautifully represent the Anglo Saxon Literature, for example, a poem with 124 lines has the title “The Seafarer” the story of a

a) Captain

b) Pirate

c) Sailor

d) Fisherman

40. “Wanderer” is another poem with 115 lines considered to be the remarkable work done in the Anglo Saxon Literature is a story of a man looking into the…..

a) Past 

b) Future

c) Deep waters

The Sun

41. Cynewulf is declared the second Anglo Saxon poet after Caedmon that wrote old English…….. verses.

a) Heroic

b) Christian

c) Jewish

d) Medieval

42. People interested in Anglo Saxon poetry come to know that Christian poetry traces back its history in around ……..century.

a) 5th

b) 6th

c) 7th

d) 8th  

43. While reading through Anglo Saxon History, you come to know that people identify Cynewulf with two different persons; first Cynewulf, ……of Lindisfarne, the second Cynewulf is a priest of Dunwich.

a) Bishop

b) Parson

c) Archbishop

d) Historian

44. No doubt, Cynewulf’s four poems are considered the masterpieces of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Cynewulf had great command over ……

a) Depicting personalities

b) Rhetoric

c) Metaphor

d)  Allegory

45. The modern analysts, however, consider Cynewulf’s work below the level of ……for many reasons; for example, the latter is dramatic and heroic indeed.

a) Bede’s work

b) Caedmon’s work

c) Beowulf

d) Alfred

46. Some people think that Cynewulf had been serving in the court of Northumbrian kings. He turned ……at a young age and continued to write poetry all his life.

a) Minister

b) Priest

c) Social worker

d) Christian

47. The modern Analysts have been researching Cynewulf’s work and have associated …… lines of poetry to him in the end.

a) 6020

b) 2600

c) 6200

d) 6002

48. The four poems that have been associated with Cynewulf are “Elene”, “Julia”, “Fates of the Apostles” and ………

a) Chronicles

b) The Wife’s Lament

c) Christ

d) Riddles

49. Though the work of Cynewulf is very limited as compared to the other poets of the Anglo Saxon Period; his work like “Fate of the Apostles” assumes great importance; however, it reaches us in …….

a) Prose

b) Fragments

c) Riddles

d) Oral traditions

50. Despite four poems being exactly associated with Cynewulf, a fifth poem” Dream of the Road” is also associated with him…..

a) ambiguously

b) by all

c) Caedmon

d) modern analysts


51. People interested in Anglo Saxon Literature surely read The Exeter, a book carrying riddles …. in number.

a) 60

b) 70

c) 80

d) 50

52. In Anglo Saxon History, one of the most prominent poets is Caedmon. The period of Caedmon starts in 657 and ends in……

a) 684

b) 698

c) 690

d) 89

53. Though it seems folklore however it has been mentioned by Venerable Bede that Caedmon was ignorant of songs; he learned the art of singing in……

a) Monastery

b) Dream

c) War

d) Graveyard

54. Though Caedmon wrote a lot at his time; his work cannot be exactly identified to him other than ……….

a) Wanderer

b) Seafarer

c) Caedmon’s Hymn

d) Death Song

55. In the honor of Caedmon, his ….. has been erected in the St. Mary’s Church in Whitby.

a) Cross

b) Statue

c) Body

d) Tomb

56. Despite the modern researcher having been searching for detailed information about Caedmon’s life; they could only be able to get information from Bede’s book….

a) Pilgrim’s progress

b) Soliloquim

c) Latin Philosophic

d) Latin Historia

57. In some manuscripts, the mention of Caedmon has been searched asserting the relevant information of Bede’s account, Caedmon was ……when he was young.

a) Monk

b) Herdsman 

c) Warrior

d) Courtier

58. Bede’s account about Caedmon was not verified indeed. The analyst could not reach the definite sources; eventually, they came to know that Bede wrote down whatever he received through ……….in monastery.

a) Reading

b) Listening

c) Oral tradition

d) Education

59. While reading through Caedmon’s Hymn, one comes to know that he wrote about horrors of hell, and ……… detail.

a) Joy of heaven

b) Death

c) World

d) Grave

60. People interested in Caedmon’s work can read ……… to read the complete Caedmon’s Hymn.

a) Historia Philosophic

b) History of the World

c) Historia ecclesiastica

d) Pastoral Care


61. People researching Caedmon’s work need to know that there is a debate about the ……..text of Caedmon’s Hymn.

a) Short

b) Original 

c) Detailed

d) Fragmented

62. While reading through Anglo Saxon literature, the researcher discover that prose before King Alfred the Great was mostly in the ……language.

a) Greek

b) Hebrew

c) Latin

d) Roman

63. The role of king Alfred the Great assumes great importance in revitalizing English Culture and …….

a) Literature

b) Tradition

c) Lifestyle

d) History

64. The credit goes to king Alfred to persuade the poets and authors to create literature in vernacular …….

a) Language

b) Dialect

c) Accent

d) Speech

65. The Old English prose writers that are given importance in Anglo Saxon Literature are Alfred, Aelfric, and ……

a) Caedmon

b) Bede

c) Cynewulf

d) Wulfstan

66. In Anglo Saxon Literature the prominent prose writers set the standards for …..that are still followed despite passing a long time.

a) Sermons

b) Prayers

c) Homiletic

d) Holy songs

67. In Anglo Saxon Literature, you come to know about the development of the Church of England and the influence of Latin……..culture.

a) European

b) American

c) Britain

d) Religious

68. King Alfred the Great has contributed rich prose to Anglo Saxon Literature during his reign. He is also called the…..English prose.

a) Founder

b) Promoter

c) Father

d) Supporter

69. Undoubtedly, King Alfred the Great came into action to revive English literature as ……..had badly destroyed the libraries, monasteries, and all sources of knowledge in an invasion.

a) Richard

b) Harry 1

c) Bernard

d) Danes

70. Having realized the importance of English literature after the destructive invasion, King Alfred revived and translated the …..major works.

a) Five

b) Six

c) Seven

d) Eight

71. Pastoral Care was translated by King Alfred the Great. The text discusses the ….of Christianity.

a) Principles

b) Beliefs

c) Essentials

d) Standards

72. Ecclesiastical History of …… was the second text that was translated by King Alfred the Great. The book asks common people to know their history.

a) East

b) England

c) Europe

d) Earth

73. King Alfred the Great’s third contribution to English Literature was the text” History of the……It contained a lot of knowledge for people of England and abroad.

a) Enemies

b) Universe

c) Wars

d) World

74. The two other books associated with King Alfred the Great are De Consolation Philosophic and ……..the former text contains sorrows of humans, and the latter contains the departure of humans from this world.

a) Soliloquia

b) Foreign invasion

c) Philosophic Christianity

d) Soul’s Revival  

75. While researching about Anglo Saxon prose, it is necessary to discover Aelfric who was a ……in a monastic school.

a) Monk

b) Scholar

c) Guardian

d) Parson

76. Two great texts “ Culloquim, and Catholic Homilies” provided Aelfric the status of a……….. in Anglo Saxon Literature.

a) True Christian

b) Preacher

c) Prose writer

d) Poet

77. The great prose writer of Anglo Saxon Literature Aelfric became the Abbot of Eynsham in ……

a) 1020

b) 1015

c) 1010

d) 1005

78. The third major prose writer of Anglo Saxon Literature was Wulfstan. He had been archbishop in York from 1002 to …….

a) 1036

b) 1023

c) 1033

d) 1024

79. No doubt, Wulfstan created the best Anglo Saxon Literature; the patriotic zeal was aroused in him by ….

a) Roman invasion

b) French invasion

c) Danish invasion

d) Russian invasion

80. Undoubtedly, Wulfstan is recognized for his homilies. However, the best of all is the homily…………..

a) Sernwlupaid—Angles

b) Heavenly Joys

c) Hellish Horrors

d) Death song

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