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MCQs of Early Period

mcqs of early period
(The Period Starts from Beginning to 1550 A.D.)

Historical Perspective and Background in the History of English Literature. These MCQs of Early Period are counted as the most important section of English Literature in which you will learn the early period that starts from Beginning to 1550 AD. So, if you are preparing yourself for competitive exams or tests then you must go through these important MCQs of Early Period.

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Most Repeated MCQs of Early Period

Q. Who defined literature as “the humanization of the whole world”?

a)      Chaucer

b)      Plato

c)      Goethe

d)      Shake

Q. The Romans, trying to hold empire together against barbarian invaders, withdrew from England in ________A.D?

a)      390

b)      400

c)      410

d)      420

Q. Anglo-Saxon Literature, broadly speaking ranges from ________ to _______?

a)      7th to 11th Centuries

b)      6th to 10th Centuries

c)      8th to 12th Centuries

d)      5th to 9th Centuries

Q. Athelstan, King of Wessex and Mercia defeated the Scots at Brunanburh in _____?

a)      917

b)      927

c)      937

d)      947

Q. The year of Norman Conquest of England in the Battle of Hastings was:

a)      1066

b)      1068

c)      1070

d)      1072

Q. The year of the Battle of Lewes is ______?

a)      1264

b)      1364

c)      1464

d)      1564

Q. The reign of Henry II covers the period from ______?

a)      1144-89

b)      1134-79

c)      1144-79

d)      1154-89

Q. The reign of Edward I covers the period from ________?

a)      1279-1307

b)      1284-1311

c)      1289-1315

d)      1293-1319

Q. Edward III defeated the French at the Battle of Poitiers and the Battle of Crecy respectively in ____?

a)      1336 and 1346

b)      1338 and 1348

c)      1340 and 1350

d)      1342 and 1352

Q. Laurence Minot, the patriotic versifier belongs to the ________?

a)      13th century

b)      12th century

c)      14th century

d)      15th century

Q. Winchester College, the first great public school was established in _____?

a)      1371

b)      1372

c)      1373

d)      1374

Q. Peasant Rebellion took place in ____?

a)      1380

b)      1381

c)      1382

d)      1383

Q. Black Death is the name given to _____?

a)      The great Famine

b)      The Epidemic of Plague

c)      The Epidemic of Cholera

d)      NOT

Q. Identify the year that marked the fall of Constantinople?

a)      1405

b)      1483

c)      1453

d)      1473

Q. In which year did the Hundred Years’ War with France begin?

a)      1358

b)      1348

c)      1338

d)      1368

Q. What was the year of the Battle of Crecy?

a)      1346

b)      1348

c)      1347

d)      1349

Q. The period of Black Death was _____?

a)      1348-49

b)      1347-48

c)      1349-50

d)      1350-51

Q. Henry IV ascended the throne in ___?

a)      1398

b)      1399

c)      1400

d)      1401

Q. Edward III died in ____?

a)      1376

b)      1377

c)      1378

d)      1379

Q. The War of Roses began in ____?

a)      1450

b)      1455

c)      1460

d)      1465

Q. Which period of English history after the death of Chaucer was known as Post-Chaucerian age___?

a)      1450-1480

b)      1400-1450

c)      1490-1530

d)      1401-1440

Q. Edward III came to the throne in _____?

a)      1317

b)      1322

c)      1327

d)      1332

Q. Richard II came to the throne in _____?

a)      1375

b)      1377

c)      1379

d)      1381

Q. Which dialect became the Standard English (King’s English) by the time of Chaucer?

a)      East-midland dialect

b)      Northern dialect

c)      Southern dialect

d)      West-midland dialect

Q. Henry IV addressed Parliament in English for the first time in English for the first time in _____?

a)      1397

b)      1398

c)      1399

d)      1400

Q. Henry IV died in ____?

a)      1413

b)      1414

c)      1415

d)      1416

Q. Henry VII came to the throne in _____?

a)      Richard II and Henry IV

b)      Edward II and Richard II

c)      Edward III and Henry IV

d)      The House of York and the House of Lancaster

The War of Roses was fought between____?

a)      Richard II and Henry IV

b)      Edward II and Richard II

c)      Edward III and Henry IV

d)      The House of York and the House of Lancaster

Q. St. Paul’s School was established in 1504 to serve as a model school for the teaching of ___?

a)      Latin

b)      French

c)      Greek

d)      Latin and Greek

Q. Joan of Arc headed the French army during the reign of ____?

a)      Richard II

b)      Henry V

c)      Henry VI

d)      Henry VII

Q. The medieval feudal system came to an end with the coming of the rule of ___?

a)      Henry VI

b)      Henry VII

c)      Henry V

d)      Richard II

Q. In the War of Roses, Roses stands for _____?

a)      Flowers

b)      Girls

c)      Houses

d)      Places

Q. Giraldus Cambrensis wrote Gemma Ecclesiastica at the end of the ____?

a)      11th Century

b)      12th Century

c)      13th Century

d)      14th Century

Q. Henry VII married Anne Boleyn in ____?

a)      1531

b)      1532

c)      1533

d)      1534

Q. The reformation began during the reign of ____?

a)      Henry VII

b)      Henry VIII

c)      Edward VI

d)      Queen Mary

Q. Which King won for him the title of the Defender of the faith?

a)      Henry VIII

b)      Henry VII

c)      Edward VI

d)      Edward III

Q. Which language became the official language in England after Norman Conquest____?

a)      English

b)      Latin

c)      German

d)      French

Q. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between in 1338____?

a)      England and Italy

b)      The Romans and the Saxons

c)      England and France

d)      The Greeks and the Romans

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