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Most Repeated MCQs of Articles

most repeated mcqs of articles

Most of the students do cramming for articles used in English Tests. However, in this post, students can easily understand the concept of articles once they practice most repeated MCQs of articles. So, they can easily memorize whenever they practice these MCQs of articles time and again.   

These MCQs of Articles can help you in different test conducted in English Department of any institution of the world. Apart from it, you can also qualify English section in competitive exams such as CSS, PCS, PMS, NTS, CTS, OTS, ISSB, etc.

You must remember that most repeated MCQs of articles are asked by every examiner of the world. So, you should never skip these MCQs. Apart from it, we have also provided the quiz version of most repeated MCQS of articles that you can practice to memorize all articles rules. 

MCQs of Articles

Q. He will buy ________ new car next year.

a)      The

b)     A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. I gave him ______ one rupee note.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. This is ______ honorary post.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. A cat has _______ long tail.

a)     A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. ______ cow gives milk.

a)      A

b)     The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. She has gotten ______ headache.

a)      A

b)      An

c)      The

d)     No article

Q. She is not ________ college student.

a)      An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. Nadeem is _____ University student.

a)      The

b)     A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. ________ Hindus worship idols.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. Copper is ______ useful metal.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      No article

d)     A

You May Also Practice MCQs of Repeated MCQs of Spelling Errors

Q. He had lost ______ few rupees he had.

a)      A

b)     The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He is as stupid as ______ owl.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _______ Indus is the largest river of Pakistan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Her mother is _______ honest woman.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     An

Q. Honesty is _____ best policy.

a)      A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. She is ________ tallest girl in this class.

a)     The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. ________ Himalayas are two ____ north of Pakistan.

a)      An, an

b)      A, a

c)      The, the

d)      No article

Q. He is ______ cleverest boy.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. The teacher caught him by _______ air.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. My father is _______ honorable man.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

You Must Practice MCQs of Repeated Analogies

Q. _______ camel is the ship of the desert.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. Keep to _______ left.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. I gave him _______ piece of advice.

a)      The

b)     A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. She is _____ intelligent student.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     An

Q. He is _______ industrious boy.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. Naveed eats ______ apple daily.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He takes tea twice ______ day.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      No article

d)     A

Q. I read _______ Pakistan Times daily.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. He bought _____ pair of shoes.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      No article

d)     A

Q. She always speaks ____ truth.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. ______ word to ______ wise is sufficient.

a)     A, the

b)      The, a

c)      The, an

d)      No articles

Q. Waseem is ___ best bowler in our team.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. _______sun sets in the west.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Agha Hashar is ______ Shakespeare of Pakistan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. This is _______ easy lesson.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. Let us go to _____ club.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. Gold is _______ precious metal.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. Karachi is ______ big city.

a)      An

b)     A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. She is _______ugly girl.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. This is ___ book you gave me to read.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. He has _____ umbrella.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     An

Q. Elephant is ______ huge animal.

a)     A

b)      The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. Yesterday I saw _______ European in the street.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      No Article

d)     A

Q. The hunter caught _____ eagle yesterday.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No Article

Q. We read ______ Holy Quran daily.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. ___ Arabs conquered our country.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. His elder brother is ______ L.L.B.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      No Article

d)     An

Q. He is like _______ angel.

a)     An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Both ____ brothers are lawyers.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. He could not sleep ____ whole of the night.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. She works all ______ day long.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. ______ rich should help _____ poor.

a)      The, an

b)     The, the

c)      The, a

d)      No Article

Q. ________ Ravi flows near Lahore.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. Makkah is ______ holy city of the Muslims.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. _________ Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. ______ health of his father is breaking down.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. I have ______ ink-pot.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He has lost _______ book which he bought yesterday.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. She was her ______ hour ago.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. _______ earth revolves round the sun.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. She is ________ foolish girl.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _______ harder you work ______ better it is.

a)      The, an

b)     The, the

c)      The, a

d)      No article

Q. This is _____ shortest way to my school.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. He does not tell ____ lie.

a)      An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _________ bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

a)     A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Do not beat about ______ bush.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Man has landed on ______ moon.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. This is _______historical place.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. He is ____ unlucky fellow.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No Article

Q. Do you like _____ orange or ____ mango?

a)      The, a

b)     An, a

c)      A, an

d)      No article

Q. Many _____ man died in this battle.

a)      An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. He has only _____ few friends.

a)     A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No Article

Q. He is _______ most brilliant boy in the class.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No Article

d)     The

Q. Ceylon is _______ island which lies to _____ south of India.

a)      The, an

b)      A, the

c)      An, the

d)      No article

Q. He is _______ boy who stole my book.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. The rose is _________ beautiful flower.

a)      An

b)     A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. She is _____ old friend of mine.

a)      A

b)      The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. Do not make ______ noise.

a)     A

b)      The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He said that he saw _____ cow.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      No article

d)     A

Q. Will you light ______ lamp.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. The strange hen laid ______ golden egg.

a)      An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. I will not wind ______ clock.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. Turn on _____ fan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

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