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The Return of the Native

the return of the native

The Return of the Native is a novel in English Literature. You can practice the MCQs of this novel. Apart from this, you can also prepare mcqs of other novels of your course outline.
You can qualify your upcoming exams if you practice it three times atleast.

MCQs of The Return of the Native

The Return of the Native is the most popular novel by Thomas Hardy. The novel was published in the year……

a) 1840

b) 1878

c) 1900

d) 1877

2. The literary work of Thomas Hardy is undoubtedly acknowledged; however, he started his professional career as a ……at the age of 22 years in London.

a) Draftsman

b) Postman

c) Washer-man

d) Fisherman

3. Thomas Hardy was inclined to religion and English Literature side by side doing his professional duties; he started writing………that could not receive much acceptance.

a) Poetry

b) Hymns

c) Sermons

d) Autobiography

4. The Return of the Native is the novel that almost entirely takes place in the ……

a) South London

b) Ireland

c) Egdon Heath

d) Dullsville

5. Thomas Hardy started publishing his novel “The Return of the Native’ in episodes in the Magazine called…….famous for its sensationalism.

a) Pravda

b) The Sun

c) Bulivia

d) Belgravia

6. Introducing Venn, a character in the novel”The Return of the Native”, Thomas Hardy tells that he was a reddleman; supplying farmers with a red mineral called….

a) Seeps

b) Reddle

c) Crams

d) Reels

7. Thomasin is a female character in the novel who is going to marry Wildeve, a … famous for his fickleness.

a) Jeweler

b) Blacksmith

c) Innkeeper

d) Carpenter

8. No doubt, Thomas Hardy has great expertise in describing characters he has drawn in the novel” The Return of the Native” for example, he describes Mrs. Yeobright as an overall good woman but proud and ……

a) Inflexible 

b) Jealous

c) Miser  

d) Haughty

9. Even critics acknowledge Thomas Hardy’s characterization. Eustacia is the main female character in the novel that impresses the readers with her exotic beauty and …..

a) Anger

b) Vanity  

c) Truthfulness

d) Ambitions 

10. As the novel progresses, the characters in the novel start exposing themselves by their actions; for example, Eustacia’s true nature exposes to the reader when she rejects Wildeve for Clym as he was a ………

a) Diamond Merchant

b)  Feudal

c) landlord

d) Trader

11. Hardy’s novel “The Return of the Native” not only focuses on characters and their social life but also focuses on the importance of locations; for example, Paris has been described as a/an ……..location in the novel.

a)  Old

b) Glorious

c) Thickly Populated

d) Hot

12. The main female character in the novel is Eustacia who deliberately falls in love with …….with the intention to escape from Heath.

a) Charley

b) Wildeve

c) Clym

d) Diggory

13. In the novel, Thomasin begets a baby girl whose father is …….

a) Clym

b) Timothy Fairway

c) Christian Cantle

d) Wildeve

14. In the novel “The Return of the Native”, the marriage of Eustacia, and Clym is very significant. The couple settles in a ………five miles away from their native home.

a) Cottage 

b) Hut

c) Camp

d) Canopy

15. Eustacia marries Clym with the thinking that they will settle in …….where she would enjoy a luxurious life leaving behind a hated life in Heath.

a) London

b) German

c) Paris 

d) Italy

16. Reading through the novel, ” The Return of the Native”, a reader comes to know that Eustacia and Clym are not a suitable match; contrary to Eustacia’s desires, Clym prepares for a new career as a ……………….

a) Lawyer

b) Police officer

c) Schoolmaster

d) Chemist

17. A reader shows great favor to Clym who pays too much attention to study and becomes almost a……..

a) Scholar

b) Journalist

c) Mad

d) Blind

18. Reading through the novel “The Return of the Native”, a reader comes to know that Heath is a wild, mostly open tract of the countryside, and …….populated by humans.

a) Thickly

b) Thinly

c) Not

d) Rarely

19. The symbolism assumes great importance in Thomas Hardy’s novel; for example, during an eclipse of the moon……….proposes Eustacia for marriage.

a) Clym

b) Wildeve

c) Charley

d) Susan

20. The chapter……. in the novel is very significant in which Thomas Hardy describes Eustacia’s physical features, background, and ambitions.

a) 8

b) 7

c) 6


21 The novel” The Return of the Native” has been beautifully adorned with different characters males and females; primary female characters are Mrs. Yeobright, Eustacia, and …..

a) Sandy

b) Lydia

c) Nancy

d) Thomasin

22. Thomas Hardy beautifully describes characters in two ways; first, he describes them verbally; second, he describes them by their actions; for example, he describes a woman namely ………who is sternly judgemental and opinionated.

a) Eustacia

b) Mrs. Yeobright

c) Thomasin

d) Lydia

23. As the novel progresses, the readers fall in love with Thomas Hardy’s descriptive style; for example, he praises a woman namely……in mythological terms as the “queen of the night”.

a) Eustacia

b) Mrs.Yeobright

c) Thomasin

d) Nancy

24. Describing the history of ………… Thomas Hardy linked them with gypsies and criminals.

a) Beetleman

b) Cattlemen

c) Reddlemen 

d) Settlement

25. When Diggory Venn persuades Eustacia to leave Wildeve as he does not suitably match her; she proudly rejects his suggestion and also calls Thomasin a/an ……..woman.

a) Poor

b) Inferior 

c) Incomplete

d) Helpless

26. Mrs. Yeobright’s son Clym returns home to celebrate …….with his mother.

a) Christmas

b) Mumming

c) Wedding ceremony

d) Holidays

27. Reading the novel, a reader comes to know: earlier captain Vye denounces … rookery of pomp and vanity.

a) Stockholm

b) Sydney

c) Paris

d) Berlin

28. Eustacia falls in love with Clym; she dances with a……in her dream that night.

a) Prince

b) King  

c) Courtier  

d) Knight

29. Thomas Hardy describes ……… a traditional holiday celebration of the Egon Heath people.

a) Mumming 

b) Expo

c) Clang

d) Drumming

30. Eustacia does not like Thomasin; she never wants ……reunite with Thomasin.

a) Wildeve

b) Clym

c) Charley


31. In the novel “ The Return of the Native” the ……… very significant. Many characters in the novel avail themselves of………

a) Oratory

b) Poetry

c) Anger

d) Disguise

32. In Captain Vye’s house, a……… falls into well; Sam looks for a rope to draw out ……from the well.

a) Ball

b) Goat

c) Bucket

d) Sword

33. Thomas Hardy had written ……..novels before he wrote the most popular novel” The Return of the Native”

a) Five

b) Six

c) Seven

d) Eight

34. Despite Thomas Hardy has created a masterpiece of English Literature in the form of ” The Return of the Native” he had to face difficulty in finding a publisher due to controversy………

a) Events

b) Themes

c) Dialogues

d) Statements

35. The magazine that started publishing “ The Return of the Native” in episodes was basically of …………..

a) Social issues

b) Lifestyle

c) Fashion and amusement

d) Custom and rituals

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