MCQs of Income Tax

111. Tax credit for investment in health insurance is discussed under ____ section?
a. 60
b. 61
c. 62
d. 62A

112. Section 63 of ITO deals with ___________?
a. Tax credit for a charitable donation
b. Tax credit for contribution in an approved pension fund
c. Tax credit for investment in health insurance
d. NOT

113. Tax credit for employment generation by manufacturers is discussed under____?
a. 62
b. 63
c. 64
d. 64 B

114. Companies that set up new manufacturing units between the 1st day of July 2015 and the 30th day of June (2019) will be given a tax credit for a period of__________?
a. 3 years
b. 6 years
c. 9 years
d. 10 years

115. The tax credit for the point of sale machine is discussed under the ______ section of ITO 2001?
a. 62
b. 64
c. 64 B
d. 64 D

116. Tax credit for investment is explained in ___________ section?
a. 64 D
b. 64 B
c. 65 B
d. NOT

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