MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901

most important mcqs of victorian period
Learn the Historical Perspective and Background in
Victorian Period 1832-1901. These MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901 are counted as the most crucial section of English Literature in which you will learn the dramatic works that flourished from 1832 to 1901. So, if you are preparing for competitive exams or tests, you must go through these important MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901.

Apart from that, you can learn all the important MCQs of English Literature in the section of English Literature on the MCQs Platform. Similarly, once we upload all these MCQs, we will let you practice them in Quiz form so that you can memorize them practically.

Most Repeated MCQs of Victorian Period

Q. “The dreaminess of Spencer, the Majesty of Milton, the natural simplicity of Wordsworth, The Fantasy of Blake and Coleridge, The Melody of Keats and Shelley, The Narrative Vigour of Scott and Byron­­—all these striking qualities are evident in the successive pages of Tennyson’s poetry,” is said by?

a)     W.J. Long

b)     Miller

c)     Herford

d)     Lord Tennyson

Q. The most representative poet of the Victorian era is?

a)     Robert Browning

b)     Mathew Arnold

c)     Lord Tennyson

d)     Miller

Q. Who believed in a compromise between aristocracy and democracy?

a)     Arnold

b)    Tennyson

c)     Browning

d)     Long     

Q. Whose poetry is the reflection of the two voices—science and religion—of the Victorian age?

a)     Tennyson’s

b)     Browning’s

c)     Arnold’s

d)     Long’s

Q. “Law implies a source, a method, an object, Tennyson, after facing his doubts honestly and manfully, finds law even in sorrows and losses of humanity,” is said by?

a)     Hudson

b)     Scott

c)     W.J. Long

d)     Tennyson

Q. “But Wordsworth had seen Nature with the eye of the poet only, while Tennyson saw it with the eye of the scientist as well” is said by?

a)     Scott

b)    Hudson

c)     Long

d)     Tennyson

Q. Whose poetry is picturesque, and on the pattern of Keats?

a)     Tennyson’s

b)     Thomson’s

c)     Arnold’s

d)     Scott’s

Q. “As a word painter of typical English scenery, as the exponent of simple emotions of everyday life, his dignified and melodious utterances, will always endear him to English men and women,” is said by?

a)     W.J. long

b)     Scott

c)     Rickett

d)     Tennyson

Q. Browning was born at Camberwell in?

a)     1811

b)    1812

c)     1813

d)     1814

Q. Who influenced Browning?

a)     Shelley

b)     Keats

c)     Wordsworth

d)     Blake