Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

Chemical used for killing rats and mice are?
A. Fungicides
B. Rodenticides
C. Insecticides
D. Herbicides

When the earth is in its greatest orbital distance from the sun, causing northern summer, this position is known as .
A. Perigee
B. Perihelion
C. Aphelion
D. Apogee

Monsoon is due to____________________?
A. Movement of clouds
B. Revolution of earth
C. Seasonal reversal of winds
D. Rise in temperature

Without seeds fruits are called___________?
A. Parthenocarpic fruits
B. Parthenogenesis fruits
C. Seedless fruits
D. placental fruits

Both waves operates at same principle but Sonar utilize sound waves, whereas radar utilize radio waves. What are radio waves actually?
A. Ultrasonic
B. Infrared waves
C. Red waves
D. super sonic

A simple microscope’s magnification power can be boosted by?
A. Lens of large aperture
B. Decreasing focal length of the lens
C. increasing focal length of the lens
D. lens of short aperture

The autonomic nervous system hold its control all of these except?
A. Skeletal muscles
B. Cardiac muscles
C. Smooth muscles
D. none

The damage to the which of the following nerve could defect the eye movement.
A. Abducens
B. Trigeminal
C. Optic
D. none

Steering of car has ________.
A. A pair of forces acting along same line & opposite direction
B. Two forces acting in same direction
C. Two forces acting along different lines & opposite direction.
D. a single force

The property of metals to convert them into sheets is _______.
A. Ductility
B. Density
C. Conductivity
D. Malleability