Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

The pancreas evolves___________?
A. Vitamin A
B. Insulin
C. Bile juice
D. None of these

In H-R diagrams the stars graphed has following two properties:
A. Size and distance
B. Luminosity and distance
C. Distance and temperature
D. Temperature and luminosity

What is the name of the phenomenon that results when a star collapses into a singularity with zero volume and infinite density?
A. White dwarf
B. Blue giant
C. Black hole
D. Wolf-Raynet star

What causes the phases of the Moon? 
A. The Earth’s shadow falls on the moon, blocking the sunlight.
B. Sun lights up only one half of Moon and as Sun orbits Earth we can sometimes see unlit side of Moon.
C. Sun lights up only one half of Moon and as Moon orbits Earth we can sometimes see unlit side of Moon.
D. The Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth, blocking the sunlight.

What are the names of the substantial black areas on the moon’s surface? 
A. Maria, or seas, even there was no water on Moon
B. Dark matter
C. Maria, or seas, as they were filled with water
D. Moon spots

Which star in night sky is the brightest one among the following? 
A. Sirius
B. Betelgeuse
C. Rigel
D. Polaris

Except for this, all of the following statements are false:

A. Calculations should be made before any experiment
B. Scientific work should be precise but accuracy is not essential
C. Scientific work should be accurate but precision is not essential
D. Precision and accuracy should go side by side in a scientific work

What is an atom means? 
A. smallest indivisible particle in an element
B. Building block of an element
C. smallest particle of an element which can undergo a chemical reaction
D. always smaller than molecule

That which follows is a substance, right?
A. Sea water
B. Graphite
C. Tape water
D. Brass
E. Sand

These substances release nuclear radiation because they: 
A. Molecules are unstable
B. Molecules are stable
C. Nuclei are unstable
D. Nuclei are stable