Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

The one of the biggest known stars is Antares 
A. Quasars Star
B. Pulsars Star
C. White Dwarfs Star
D. Red Super-giants Star

What kind of reactions use water as a universal solvent? 
A. Chemical
B. Biochemical 
C. Physical
D. Nuclear

At room temperature, the rate of evaporation of gasoline is higher than that of water because:
A. petrol molecules don’t have any hydrogen bond
B. petrol is an organic compound
C. water molecules have small size
D. petrol molecules have greater size

Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers is a statement of…?
A. Aufbau principle
B. Pauli exclusion principle
C. Hund’s rule
D. Periodic law

In relation to mountains, it rains:
A. Orographic rainfall
B. Normal rainfall
C. Monsoon rains
D. Cyclonic rainfall

All of these are present on the Stevenson screen, except…:
A. Wet bulb thermometer
B. Maximum thermometer
C. Ordinary thermometer
D. Anemometer

Quinoline can be added to butter to reduce the rancidity it produces. This assertion demonstrates that rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter this statements shows that…
A. Nothing is impossible
B. Quinoline is an inhibitor
C. Quinoline is a catalyst
D. Quinoline is an activator

What type of soil undergoes gypsum treatment to make it appropriate for agricultural production?
A. Alkaline
B. Acidic
C. Waterlogged
D. Soil with excessive clay content

The AIDS virus has an impact on the development of ?
A. Hemoglobin
B. RBCs in blood
C. T cells in blood
D. Grey Cells in blood

Which one is the largest mangrove forest in the world?
A. Changa Manga Forest
B. Amazon Forest
C. Sundarbans Forest
D. None of the above