Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

Who proved that planets move around the sun?
A. Archimedes
B. Galileo Galilei
C. John Kepler
D. None
What is a branch of microbiology concerned with disease outbreaks among people?
A. Immunology
B. Parasitology
C. Epidemiology
D. none

The smallest unit of heredity is: 
A. Chromosomes
B. Gene
C. Nucleotides
D. none
The manufecturing of …uses copper.
A. Brick kilns
B. Children toys
C. Kitchen utilities
D. Electric wires

Which one have no charge on it?
A. Neutrons
B. Protons
C. Electrons
D. None of These

Who discovered electrons?
A. Michael Faraday
B. James Maxwell
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. J.J Thomson

In Entomology we study about…?
A. worms
B. insects
C. Animals
D. All of these

A little inhalation is finished by…?
A. Cigarettes
B. Pipes and cigars
C. A and B offer little inhalation
D. Both offer extreme inhalation

Between Deuterium and Hydrogen, there are:
A. Different atomic number & same atomic mass
B. Different atomic number & different atomic mass
C. Same atomic number & different atomic mass
D. None

Which of the following is water soluble vitamin? 
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin K
D. None