Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

The Continent Antarctica is placed at _________?
A. middle of the earth
B. South pole
C. North pole
D. Equator

The seismograph is an equipment that I created specifically for recording earthquake waves, and it measures earthquake waves on a ?
A. Richter scale
B. Fahrenheit Scale
C. Diatonic scale
D. Celsius Scale

The main chemical in bones and teeth is?
A. Calcium Sulphate
B. Calcium phosphate
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Calcium nitrate

Which one have maximum calorific value?
A. Proteins
B. Fats
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins

Trachoma is disease of which part of body?
A. Lungs
B. Eyes
C. Livers
D. Kidneys

Very high temperature measuring instrument is?
A. Chronometer
B. Thermostat
C. Manometer
D. Pyrometer

What is the most beautiful and spectacular constellation in the sky?
A. Canis Major
B. Columbia
C. Orion
D. Taurus

What does the term “Blue Shift” refer to?
A. In future sun would become blue
B. Converting the star from white to blue
C. Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.
D. Black hole was blue in the beginning

Is Oasis related to…?
A. Island
B. Desert
C. Glaciers
D. Volcanoes

In the dark, the light is in straight path and form a line of dust. It is because light is _________?
A. Invisible
B. Transparent
C. visible
D. opaque