Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

Japan is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”, which statement is true about Japan:
A. The Sun rises there as soon as it sets
B. Sun always remains in eastern past of sky throughout day in Japan
C. Japan being Eastern most country in world, it has earliest sunrise
D. rays of sun get reflected from waters of sea and make sunrise beautiful in Japan

What happens when the dew point is exceeded by water vapour?
A. Precipitation
B. Hailstorm
C. Condensation
D. Formation of ice

A human being’s blood volume makes up around ________ of their body weight.
A. 6%
B. 7%
C. 8%
D. 9%

The world is thought to be _______ years old.
A. 4.14 billion years
B. 4.64 billion years
C. 4.54 billion years
D. 4.34 billion years

What is the Milky Way’s estimated age?
A. 16.5 billion years
B. 15.5 billion years
C. 13.5 billion years
D. 14.5 billion years

Which galaxy is closest to our Milky Way?
A. Messier 81
B. Andromeda
C. Triangulum
D. Whirlpool

When is the relative humidity typically at its lowest throughout the day?
A. When the air temperature is highest
B. Just before sunrise
C. About midnight
D. When the air temperature is lowest

What is _____________ (water vapor)?
A. A gas
B. A cloud droplet
C. A rain drop
D. A snowflake

What does acid deposition cause in this situation?
A. The greenhouse effect to lessen
B. Lakes and forests to die
C. Acid indigestion in humans
D. All the above are correct

Any ecosystem has an energy pyramid, and it looks like this.
A. Always upright
B. May be upright or invented
C. Always inverted
D. Always Circle