Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

Which of the following describes a person who belongs to all blood groups?
A. A
C. O
D. B

Myopia is a disease associated with which part of body_________?
A. Lungs
B. Eyes
C. Ears
D. Brain

Average adult pulse rate is?
A. 72-80
B. 115-125
C. 140-150
D. 60

____ is the subject of eugenics?
A. Different races of mankind
B. People of European region
C. Changing human beings by altering their genetic components
D. Genetic of plants

The science that deals with examining people’s manners and traditions is called?

A. Ethics
B. Morphology
C. Ethnology
D. Genetics

Which Fuel is used in Fast Breeder Reactor__?
A. Uranium Plutonium Oxide
B. Uranium Plutonium carbide
C. Uranium Oxide
D. Uranium thorium Oxide

The theory behind how quartz crystal in quartz watches operates is?

A. Thermionic effect
B. Stark effect
C. Photoelectric effect
D. Piezo-electric effect
E. None of these

A woman who is six feet tall wants to see her entire reflection in the plane mirror. The mirror will have a minimum length of?
A. 4 feet
B. 12 feet
C. 6 feet
D. 3 feet

Twinkling of stars is due to ?
A. Refraction of light
B. Polarization of light
C. Reflection of light
D. Interference of light

The total amount of blood in an average adult human is?
A. 8-10 liters
B. 3-4 liters
C. 5-6 liters
D. 10-12 liters