Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

The lifecycle of Red Blood Cells is __________ days.
A. 180
B. 120
C. 60
D. 240

Lackness of Vitamin-D causes __________?
A. Scurvy
B. rickets
C. night blindness
D. hair fall

Which form of waves are produced by sound waves?
A . Longitudinal
B. Electromagnetic
C . Transverse
D. None of these

At night, Plants absorb __________ and evolve __________?
A. Oxygen – Carbon monoxide
B. Carbon dioxide – Oxygen
C. Oxygen – Carbon dioxide
D. None of these

Mass and energy can be transformed. Which equation explains?
A.M = ec2
B. E = cm2
C. E = mc2
D. M = ce2

Does heat have SI unit __________?
A. Joule
B. Volt
C. Watt
D. Newton

Which form of energy is wind energy?
A. Kinetic
B. Transverse
C. Potential
D. Mechanical

The equator passes through which country?
A. Malta
B. Malaysia
C. Kenya
D. Pakistan

Paper pulp can be made with which wood?
A. Bagasse
B. Poplar
C. Cotton
D. Rice straw

The sensitive layer of the eye is known as the?
A. Retina
B. Sclerotic
C. Choroids
D. Cornea

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