Repeated MCQs of Everyday Science

Lack of vitamin A results in?
A. Scurvy
B. rickets
C. Night blindness
D. hair fall

Which of the following substance is present in Earth abundantly?
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Silicon

1 nanometer = ?
A. 10-9 meter
B. 10-6 meter
C. 10-3 meter
D. 10-12 meter

GPS stands for?
A. Global Positioning System
B. Global PolySiliconium Store
C. Global Poles System
D. Global Position Structure

How many billions of years ago did the universe come into being when the Big Bang theory was discovered?
A. 30 – 40
B. 20 – 30
C. 10 – 20
D. 40 – 50

How many percent is carbon dioxide present in the universe?
A. 13%
B. 3.9%
C. 0.039%
D. 30%

What is the composition of oils and fats?
A. Carbon, Oxygen, and nitrogen
B. Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen
C. Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
D. Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen

When photosynthesis stops, plants _______?
A. give off Carbon Dioxide
B. give off Oxygen
C. Take in Carbon Dioxide
D. None of these

Which uranium isotope is used in nuclear bombs?
A.92 U 233
B.92 U 234
C. 92 U 235
D. 92 U 238

In which field do we study life in outer space?
A. Enterobiology
B. Exobiology
C. Endobiology
D. Neurobiology