General Knowledge MCQs

111. If you are interested in history you might have heard about Gurkhas; they originate from….

A. India

B. Malay

C. Malaysia

D. Nepal

112. You will be amazed to know that the people in Southern USA saw the longest ever……comprising 770km in length.

A. Snake

B. Megaflash

C. Twister

D. Tornado

113. Which Island is the bone of contention between Japan and Russia?

A. Furil

B. Muril

C. Kuril

D. Buril

114. The office on Drugs and Crime belonging to United Nations launched: The Education for …….initiatives.

A. Justice 

B. Adults

C. Ethics

D. Children

115. Which country has launched Himawari-8?

A. Russia

B. France

C. America

D. Japan

116. South Africa is known for the second-highest fall in the world namely……..

A. Cuba fall

B. Tugela Fall

C. Mulam Fall

D. Peru fall

117. Surinam is the country in South America known for being the …

A. Largest

B. Deserted

C. Smallest

D. Populated

118. You will be amazed to know that China’s parliament has the largest ……

A. Building

B. Membership

C. Security plan

D. Sessions

119. What is the length of the Suez Canal?

A. 100km

B. 123km

C. 193km

D. 133km

120. Those who make marks in the field of Mathematics can hope for being awarded the prize:…..

A. Caprian Foias

B. Caprian de Jemaro

C. Caprian Ovial

D. Caprian Pova