51. Mediterranean and red sea let….canal flow in between them.
A. English
B. Panama
C. Suez
D. Niagara
52. Norway…… a member of the European Union.
A. Is not
B. Is
C. Has been
D. Was
53. What is the significance of the Mariana trench in the world?
A. Deepest
B. Widest
C. Most dangerous
D Darkest
54. Which international organization has the permanent secretariat in Jeddah?
A. Danish
55. Which is the world-famous bridge in San Francisco?
A. Watergate
B. Silver gate
C. Golden Gate
D. Flying gate
56. Why is 1901 important regarding Nobel Prize?
A. Opposed
B. Approved
C. Banned
D. Started
57. In how many continents has the surface of Earth been divided?
A. 7
B. 5.
C. 6
D. 4
58. What is the link between World War 2 and 1939?
A. Ended
B. Started
C ceased
D. Atom bomb exploded
59. Which is the world-famous news agency in the UK?
A. Pravda
B. The Sun
C. Post
D Reuters
60. Which Mosque in Pakistan has 177 feet high minarets?
A. Faisal Mosque
B. Noori Mosque
C. Badhshahi Mosque
D. White Mosque