MCQs of Drama


mcqs of drama

The MCQs of Drama are among the foundational sections of English Literature that track theatrical development from antiquity to contemporary times. This section of Drama MCQs examines important playwright works, from classical tragedies to Elizabethan productions, absurd dramatic works, and modern theatrical compositions. Drama distinguishes itself through active dialogue and transformative personalities, which reveal cultural beliefs and intellectual and mind-related issues. Preparation for competitive exams and tests requires students to study the important MCQs of Drama in depth.

All fundamental MCQs of English Literature are accessible within the MCQs Platform section of English Literature. The MCQs will undergo a conversion process to become Quiz format for effective learning and practice purposes. Your knowledge of Drama and its literary and cultural impact can improve through this study method.

Important MCQs of Drama

Q. Comedy is
a) An imitation of men worse than average
b) An imitation of men better than average
c) A stage play amusing character with a happy ending
d) Both a & b

Q. The puritans succeeded to persuade the parliament to close the theaters and they were closed in_____.
a) 1642
b) 1652
c) 1662
d) None of above

Q. Concealment is good dramatic device meant to keep
a) Suspense
b) Pleasure
c) Amusement
d) None of above

Q. Parallelism is found in Lear in the form of
a) Gloucester
b) Edmund
c) Edgar
d) None of above

Q. In Aristotle definition of tragedy pity and fear affecting proper
a) Hamartia
b) Peripety
c) Mimesis
d) None of above

Q. What kind of conflict is found is Dr. Faustus?
a) Inner
b) Outer
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

Q. Shakespearean tragedy is the tragedy of
a) Character
b) Fate
c) Catharsis
d) None of above

Q. Restoration comedy is comedy of
a) Mariners
b) Errors
c) Is actually
d) Tragedy

Q. Pantomime are
a) Puppet show
b) Comedy of manners
c) Comedy of errors
d) None of above

Q. A kind of satirical play in which the spirit of true comedy is presented in a satirical manner
a) Opera
b) Burlesque
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

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