MCQs of Novel

mcqs of novel

In this section of English Literature, where the focus is given to the MCQs of Novel, we will assimilate the major contributions of writers in different genres of the Novel, such as Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism, and Experimental fiction. What is more revealing of the impact that novels have on society is the evolution of narrative style, character development, and theme within the work. I suggest you look at these important MCQs of Novel if you are preparing for competitive exams or tests.

Other than that, you can access all other important MCQs of English Literature in the English Literature Section on the MCQs Platform. At the end, we will also provide them in Quiz form, allowing you to practice and memorize these aspects of English Literature effectively and better understand the Novel and its importance.

Most Repeated MCQs of the Novel

Q. Novel is from Novella
a) French word
b) Italian word
c) Latin word
d) English word

Q. Mark the first novelist
a) Henry Fielding
b) Richardson
c) Swift
d) None of above

Q. Charlotte, Emily and Anne are called
a) Bront sisters
b) Henry sisters
c) Eliot sisters
d) All of above

Q. Which novelist is tagged with psychological novelist?
a) George Eliot
b) Jane
c) Charlotte
d) None of above

Q. Mil on the Floos, Silas Manner are works of
a) Jane Austen
b) Fielding
c) George Eliot
d) All of above

Q. Great Expectation in story of a
a) Boy Pip
b) Girl Maly
c) Miss Grey
d) None of above

Q. Pessimism is hall mark of
a) Fielding novels
b) Dickens
c) Hardy novels
d) None of above

Q. Nature works as character on the novels of
a) Dickens
b) George Eliot
c) Mary Evans
d) None of above

Q. A passage to India has been written by
a) Fielding
b) E.M Forster
c) T.S. Eliot
d) None of above

Q. A picaresque novel depicts
a) A social out cast who is rejected and who rejects
b) A rogue hero
c) A rascal who travels and do Exploits
d) All of above

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