MCQs of Drama

Q. A low comedy intended to excite laughter
a) Farce
b) Burlesque
c) Burgos
d) None of above

Q. The school for scandal is written by
a) Sheridan
b) Byron
c) Shadwell
d) Shakespeare

Q. Labadacus is father
a) Creon
b) Louis
c) Jocasta
d) None of above

Q. Menoikeus was father of Bacon and Jesuits
a) Polybas
b) Merope
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

Q. Oedipus Rex means:
a) Foolish king
b) Swollen feet, king
c) Rash king
d) None of above

Q. Hubris means
a) Pride
b) Fault
c) Rashness
d) None of above

Q. The role of chorus in Oedipus is.
a) To guide
b) Comment
c) Represent peoples sentiments
d) All of above

Q. The Greek tragedy originated in the religious festivals in honour of
a) Dion yses
b) The wine god
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

Q. The Greek tragedies are essentially the tragedies of
a) Action
b) Factor
c) Character
d) Fate

Q. An important feature of classical tragedies
a) Epilogue
b) Prologue
c) Chorus
d) None of above

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