MCQs of Drama

Q. In Greek tragedians murders and battles take place
a) On the stage
b) Off the stage
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

Q. The tragedies of Restoration period known as
a) Heroic drama
b) Drama of manners
c) Comic drama
d) None of above

Q. The unity of time, place and action were scrupulously observed in the
a) Neo classical tragedy
b) Restoration drama
c) Elizabethan tragedy
d) None of above

Q. What is not correct about neo-classicists?
a) The bring unlimited characters
b) Do not permit more than a number of characters
c) Both a & b are correct
d) None of above

Q. Domestic tragedy means
a) Violence at home
b) Tragedy of ordinary domestic life
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

Q. Mark the one feature of heroic tragedy
a) After preliminary disasters ends in, the happy ending for hero and heroin
b) Ends in tragic note
c) Ends in murder
d) None of above

Q. Hamlet falls in the clagory of
a) Revenge
b) Domestic
c) Neo classic
d) None of above

Q. Mark the problem-plays of Shakespeare
a) Measure for measure
b) All’s well that ends well
c) Troilus and Cressida
d) All of above

Q. Tick drama
a) Deals with personalities and individualities
b) Thrives on sensibility
c) Problem of one kind or author lies at the back of every drama
d) All of above

Q. Jonson popularized the comedy of
a) Humors
b) Drama
c) Manners
d) Errors