MCQs of Drama

Q. Comedy of manners is so called because it presents the
a) Habits
b) Manners
c) Conventions and follies
d) All of above

Q. Comedy of manners is
a) Satiric in spirit
b) Gay and vivacious
c) Licentiousness
d) All of above

Q. Mark one feature of classical comedy
a) Introduces characters from rustic life
b) It is didactic and satiric
c) It deals with stock characters
d) All of above

Q. Emphasis of melodrama is an
a) Crude physical action
b) Murders blood shed suicides
c) Horrors are piled on horrors
d) All of above

Q. Drama which seeks to mirror life with the utmost fidelity is called
a) Realistic
b) Naturalistic drama
c) Humanistic drama
d) Problem play

Q. The earliest play written by Shakespeare according to Oxford.
a) The Taming of the Shrew
b) As you like it
c) Two Gentle man of Verna
d) None of above

Q. Hamlet and Oedipus was written by
a) Bradley
b) Dover Wilson
c) Earnest Jones
d) None of above

Q. Winter’s Tale by Shakespeare is a
a) Dramatic Romance
b) Comedy
c) Tragedy
d) None of above

Q. Shakespeare has written
a) Historical
b) Comedies
c) Tragedies
d) All of above

Q. The quality of mercy is not strained’ the line is taken by:
a) Two gentleman of Verona
b) Mid summer’s night Dream
c) Anthony and Cleopatra
d) None of above