MCQs of Early Period

Q. Which period of English history after the death of Chaucer was known as Post-Chaucerian age___?

a)      1450-1480

b)      1400-1450

c)      1490-1530

d)      1401-1440

Q. Edward III came to the throne in _____?

a)      1317

b)      1322

c)      1327

d)      1332

Q. Richard II came to the throne in _____?

a)      1375

b)      1377

c)      1379

d)      1381

Q. Which dialect became the Standard English (King’s English) by the time of Chaucer?

a)      East-midland dialect

b)      Northern dialect

c)      Southern dialect

d)      West-midland dialect

Q. Henry IV addressed Parliament in English for the first time in English for the first time in _____?

a)      1397

b)      1398

c)      1399

d)      1400

Q. Henry IV died in ____?

a)      1413

b)      1414

c)      1415

d)      1416

Q. Henry VII came to the throne in _____?

a)      Richard II and Henry IV

b)      Edward II and Richard II

c)      Edward III and Henry IV

d)      The House of York and the House of Lancaster

The War of Roses was fought between____?

a)      Richard II and Henry IV

b)      Edward II and Richard II

c)      Edward III and Henry IV

d)      The House of York and the House of Lancaster

Q. St. Paul’s School was established in 1504 to serve as a model school for the teaching of ___?

a)      Latin

b)      French

c)      Greek

d)      Latin and Greek

Q. Joan of Arc headed the French army during the reign of ____?

a)      Richard II

b)      Henry V

c)      Henry VI

d)      Henry VII