MCQs of Early Period

Q. The medieval feudal system came to an end with the coming of the rule of ___?

a)      Henry VI

b)      Henry VII

c)      Henry V

d)      Richard II

Q. In the War of Roses, Roses stands for _____?

a)      Flowers

b)      Girls

c)      Houses

d)      Places

Q. Giraldus Cambrensis wrote Gemma Ecclesiastica at the end of the ____?

a)      11th Century

b)      12th Century

c)      13th Century

d)      14th Century

Q. Henry VII married Anne Boleyn in ____?

a)      1531

b)      1532

c)      1533

d)      1534

Q. The reformation began during the reign of ____?

a)      Henry VII

b)      Henry VIII

c)      Edward VI

d)      Queen Mary

Q. Which King won for him the title of the Defender of the faith?

a)      Henry VIII

b)      Henry VII

c)      Edward VI

d)      Edward III

Q. Which language became the official language in England after Norman Conquest____?

a)      English

b)      Latin

c)      German

d)      French

Q. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between in 1338____?

a)      England and Italy

b)      The Romans and the Saxons

c)      England and France

d)      The Greeks and the Romans