MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901

Q. What criticism did one reviewer have about “The Second Mrs. Tanqueray”?

a)     It was too radical in its social critique.

b)     It was too comedic for its subject matter.

c)     It did not appeal to Victorian audiences.

d)    Its major character reinforced the myth of female innocence.

Q. How did Pinero’s works contribute to English drama?

a)     By shaping realistic drama and advancing realism in Victorian theater

b)     By mimicking Ibsen’s radical themes

c)     By rejecting social critiques in his plays

d)     By focusing primarily on melodramatic endings

Q. “James Thomson’s pessimism was founded on the conviction that there was no hope for humanity anymore for himself, and that the appearance of progress was a mere illusion” is said by:

a)     Moody

b)    Walker

c)     Lovett

d)     Tennyson

Q. “Of all modern poets, except Goethe, he was the best critic,” is said by:

a)     Browning

b)    M. Paul

c)     Tennyson

d)     Herford

Q. Mathew Arnold was born at Laleham in:

a)     1824

b)     1821

c)     1822

d)     1823

Q. “Browning was not interested in action at all, but in reaction-the result of action on character,” is said by:

a)     Sharp

b)     Moody

c)     Rickett

d)     Long

Q. “Shakespeare works as with the clay of human action. Browning as with the clay of human thought,” said by:

a)     Sharp

b)     Rickett

c)     Cazamian

d)     W.J. Long

Q. ____ said that Browning is preeminently a poet of the world.

a)     Garrod

b)    Rickett

c)     Scott

d)     W.J. Long

Q. What was the age of Queen Victoria when she became the Queen?

a)     15

b)     16

c)     17

d)    18