MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901

Q. Who contributed five biographies to “Encyclopedia Britannica”?

a)     Arnold

b)     Pater

c)     Macaulay

d)     Tolstoy

Q. “More than any other writer, he may be said by his essays to have popularized a taste for literature, and Macaulay’s history remains the most generally attractive piece of historical narrative in the language,” is said by?

a)     Tolstoy

b)     Rickett

c)     Macaulay

d)    Hudson

Q. “Poetry is the criticism of life,” is said by?

a)     Mathew Arnold

b)     Pater

c)     Newman

d)     Long

Q. Who was the pioneer of the Oxford Movement?

a)     Macaulay

b)    Newman

c)     Tennyson

d)     Arnold

Q. “Newman’s style is beautiful with a limpid lucidity, a chartened eloquence, a gentle persuasiveness,” is said by?

a)     Moody

b)     Scott

c)     Rickett

d)     Tennyson

Q. “Nature made Stevenson an essayist and he cooperated with Nature, developing and strengthening the gifts with which he was endowed at birth,” is said by?

a)     Hugh Walker

b)     Sharp

c)     Chesterton

d)     Scott

Q. Who is called the romancer of London streets?

a)     Kingsley

b)     Collins

c)     Sharp

d)    Dickens

Q. Who is the pioneer of realism in 19th century novel?

a)     Collins

b)     Kingsley

c)     Dickens

d)     Walker

Q. “Dickens is also a Prophet,” is said by?

a)     Oliver

b)    David Cecil

c)     Hudson

d)     Collins

Q. “Despite the brood brush of caricature, despite the over-insistence on the externals of his characters, he makes them live and they live by virtue of their humanity,” is said by?

a)     Rickett

b)     Hudson

c)     Herford

d)     Collins