Q. Thackeray was born at Calcutta in?
a) 1810
b) 1811
c) 1812
d) 1813
Q. Whose works stand in sharp contrast with those of Dickens?
a) Thackeray’s
b) Trollope’s
c) Browning’s
d) Miller’s
Q. “Thackeray excels as a painter of manners, as an artist of conventions, as a draughtsman of a civilized man with all his merits and limitations,” is said by?
a) Hudson
b) Miller
c) Rickett
d) Thackeray
Q. “Thackeray was a social satirist and a realist,” is said by?
a) Rickett
b) Hudson
c) Herford
d) Thackeray
Q. “I don’t control my characters, I am in their hands and they take me where they please,” is said by?
a) Thackeray
b) Browning
c) Moody
d) Rickett
Q. “Just as Dickens can make his mentally weak characters likeable, so can Thackeray attract us to his moral weaklings,” is said by?
a) Lovett
b) Browning
c) Scott
d) Rickett
Q. “Irony is the key note of Thackeray’s attitude,” is said by?
a) David Cecil
b) Carlyle
c) Arnold
d) Scott
Q. “Thackeray’s style appeals to our critical intelligence, Dicken’s to our heart and imagination,” is said by?
a) Kingsley
b) Herford
c) Rickett
d) Scott
Q. Whose novel is the poetic comedy?
a) Fielding’s
b) Meredith’s
c) Thackeray’s
d) Kingsley’s
Q. “Meredith is the Prophet of common sense and the inspired Prophet of sanity,” is said by?
a) Trevelyan
b) Scott
c) Arnold
d) Meredith