MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901

Q. “Comedy provokes thoughtful laugher,” is said by?

a)     Tennyson

b)     Herford

c)     Meredith

d)     Scott

Q. “Like Browning, instead of presenting his tale in plain, clear narrative, Meredith prefers to give it to us in flashes and half lights, as it is seen from different point of views,” is said by?

a)     Scott and Herford

b)    Moody and Lovett

c)     Chesterton and Arnold

d)     Scott and Arnold

Q. Thomas Hardy was born in Dorset in?

a)     1838

b)     1839

c)     1840

d)     1841

Q. Who, as a poet, belongs more to the 20th century than the 19th century?

a)     Hardy

b)     Gaskell

c)     Browning

d)     Tennyson

Q. Who is the creator of “Wessex”?

a)     Browning

b)    Hardy

c)     Gaskell

d)     Scott

Q. “Hardy’s strength as well as his inclination lay in tracing the elemental things of life that’s why he has annexed Wessex as his province and left London and twin city, for the most part, severely alone,” is said by?

a)     Herford

b)     Moody

c)     Gaskell

d)    Rickett

Q. “In fact, Hardy’s interpretation of nature gives us the clue to his outlook on men and women,” is said by?

a)     Rickett

b)     Gaskell

c)     Moody

d)     Herford

Q. Who was influenced by Darwin?

a)     Gaskell

b)     Moody

c)     Browning

d)    Hardy

Q. “For all his minuteness of method, Mardy never loses right of the harmonious whole, his detailed touched have their special significance in unfolding the burden of story. We shall find no loose ends in his work,” is said by?

a)     Rickett

b)     Tennyson

c)     Gaskell

d)     Scott

Q. Who possessed an almost Shakespearean felicity of expression and knack of using best work?

a)     Thomson

b)     Arnold

c)     Hardy

d)     Gaskell