MCQs of Victorian Period 1832-1901

Q. Who was pioneer of psychological novel?

a)     Mrs. Gaskell

b)     Bronte sisters

c)     Eliot

d)     Evans

Q. Who is the pioneer of the novel of character, of which George Eliot is the first brilliant exponent?

a)     Hardy

b)    Gaskell

c)     Robertson

d)     Tennyson

Q. “The Bronte sisters-Charlotte, Emily and Anne were the pioneers in fiction of that aspect of the romantic movement which concerned itself with the bearing of human soul,” is said by

a)     Moody

b)     Rickett

c)     Eliot

d)    Edward Albert

Q.  Mary Ann Evans is known as?

a)     George Eliot

b)     Browning

c)     Blake

d)     Edward Albert

Q. “Humor of a rick and delicate kind and pathos which was never forced are to be reckoned among her (Eliot) principal gifts,” is said by?

a)     Lovett

b)    Hudson

c)     Pater

d)     Blake

Q. The nineteenth century lagged conspicuously behind in?

a)     Novel

b)     Poetry

c)     Drama

d)     Essay

Q. Who revolutionized British drama?

a)     Browning

b)     Robertson

c)     Pinero

d)    Henrik Ibsen

Q. Who pioneered the problem plays, the drama of ideas and symbolic realistic plays?

a)     Pinero

b)     Ebb smith

c)     Ibsen

d)     Robertson

Q. Lord Tennyson died in?

a)     1891

b)    1892

c)     1893

d)     1894