Most Repeated MCQs of Articles

Q. He had lost ______ few rupees he had.

a)      A

b)     The

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He is as stupid as ______ owl.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _______ Indus is the largest river of Pakistan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Her mother is _______ honest woman.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     An

Q. Honesty is _____ best policy.

a)      A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. She is ________ tallest girl in this class.

a)     The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. ________ Himalayas are two ____ north of Pakistan.

a)      An, an

b)      A, a

c)      The, the

d)      No article

Q. He is ______ cleverest boy.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. The teacher caught him by _______ air.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. My father is _______ honorable man.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

You Must Practice MCQs of Repeated Analogies

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