Most Repeated MCQs of Articles

Q. She works all ______ day long.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. ______ rich should help _____ poor.

a)      The, an

b)     The, the

c)      The, a

d)      No Article

Q. ________ Ravi flows near Lahore.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. Makkah is ______ holy city of the Muslims.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. _________ Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      No article

d)     The

Q. ______ health of his father is breaking down.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. I have ______ ink-pot.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. He has lost _______ book which he bought yesterday.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. She was her ______ hour ago.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No article

Q. _______ earth revolves round the sun.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No article

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