Most Repeated MCQs of Articles

Q. She is ________ foolish girl.

a)      The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _______ harder you work ______ better it is.

a)      The, an

b)     The, the

c)      The, a

d)      No article

Q. This is _____ shortest way to my school.

a)     The

b)      An

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. He does not tell ____ lie.

a)      An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No article

Q. _________ bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

a)     A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Do not beat about ______ bush.

a)      An

b)      A

c)      The

d)      No article

Q. Man has landed on ______ moon.

a)      An

b)     The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. This is _______historical place.

a)     An

b)      The

c)      A

d)      No Article

Q. He is ____ unlucky fellow.

a)      The

b)      A

c)      An

d)      No Article

Q. Do you like _____ orange or ____ mango?

a)      The, a

b)     An, a

c)      A, an

d)      No article

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