61. The author of Doctor’s Dilemma is?
a. W. Shakespeare
b. G.B Shaw
c. Edward Gibbon
d. NOT
62. East of Aden is written by?
a. John Steinbeck
b. Dr. Allama Iqbal
c. Benazir Bhutto
d. NOT
63. Who wrote French Revolution?
a. G.B Shaw
b. Stanley Wolpert
c. Tomas Carlyle
d. NOT
64. Freedom at Midnight is written by?
a. Margaret Mitchel
b. Tomas Carlyle
c. Larry Collins and Dominique Lapiere
d. NOT
65. Gone with the Wind is written by?
a. W. Shakespeare
b. Margaret Mithchel
c. Both a and b
d. NOT
66. Who wrote the famous book Great Expectations?
a. Jonathan Swift
b. Charles Dickens
c. G Allana
d. Allama Iqbal
67. The author of well-known book “Jinnah of Pakistan”
a. Charles Dickens
b. Allama Iqbal
c. M.H Saiyid
d. Stanley Wolpert
68. Myth of independence is written by?
a. Stanley Wolpert
b. Z. A Bhutto
c. Shakespeare
d. NOT
69. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is written by?
a. M.H Saiyid
b. Dr. Allama Iqbal
c. Jonathan Swift
d. NOT
70. Paradise Lost is written by?
a. Jane Austen
b. John Milton
c. M.H Saiyid
d. NOT