30 Important MCQs About Hazrat Umar RA

21.   Who performed Janaza Salat first time in Islam in Jamat with four Takbeer?

a.      Hazrat Umar RA

b.      Hazrat Usman RA

c.      Hazrat Ali

d.      Hazrat Abu Bakar

22.   _________ caliph of Islam divided Islamic Empire in 10 provinces?

a.      Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

b.      Hazrat Umar RA

c.      Hazrat Ali RA

d.      Hazrat Usman RA

23.   Bajamat Tarawih Salat was started in the reign of _______ caliph?

a.      Hazrat Usman RA

b.      Hazrat Ali RA

c.      Hazrat Umar RA

d.      Hazrat Abu Bakar

24.   Hazrat Umar RA listened ______ Surah and embraced Islam?

a.      Surah Iqra

b.      Surah Al Naas

c.      Surah Al Taha

d.      Surah Fatiha

25.   Who recited Quranic Surah so Hazrat Umar RA made a mind to embrace Islam?

a.      Hazrat Usman RA

b.      Sister of Hazrat Umar RA

c.      Companion of Hazrat Usman RA

d.      Both a and c

26.   Who was the killer of Hazrat Umar RA?

a.      Abdur Rahman bin Muljam

b.      Sudan ibn Humran

c.      Abu Lu’lu’a Firuz

d.      Natural Death

27.   Hazrat Umar RA placed _______ of his wealth at the disposal of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH at the occasion of the Tabook expedition?

a.      Complete

b.      Half

c.      Quarter

d.      NOT

28.   Hazrat Umar RA died in _________?

a.      13th Hijrah

b.      23rd Hijrah

c.      33rd Hijrah

d.      NOT

29.   _______ was the age of Hazrat Umar when he accepted Islam?

a.      30

b.      31

c.      32

d.      33

30.   Who became the caliph of Islam after Hazrat Umar RA?

a.      Hazrat Ali RA

b.      Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

c.      Hazrat Usman RA

d.      NOT

Hazrat Umar R.A MCQs

Learn All Important MCQs about Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A