Current Presidents of Famous Countries

11.   Vladimir Putin is the serving as the current president of_________?

a.       Ukraine

b.      Russia

c.       China

d.      Iran


12.   Xi Jinping is currently serving as president of _______?

a.       Ukraine

b.      Azerbaijan

c.       China

d.      Afghanistan


13.   Name the current prime minister of Malaysia.

a.       Abdullah Gül

b.      Ismail Sabri Yaakob

c.       Abdullah Abdullah

d.      NOT


14.   Who is the current prime minister of Canada?

a.       Kim Campbell

b.      Justin Trudeau

c.       John A. Macdonald

d.      NOT


15.   Name the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

a.       Felix Tshisekedi

b.      Bruno Tshibala

c.       Joseph Kabila

d.      NOT


16.   Joe Biden is the current President of _____?

a.       UK

b.      USA

c.       Britain

d.      NOT


17.   Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is the president of____?

a.       Indonesia

b.      Nepal

c.       Maldives

d.      NOT


18.   Who is serving as current president of Nepal?

a.       Bidhya Devi Bhandari

b.      Ram Baran Yadav

c.       Nanda Kishor Pun

d.      NOT


19.   Abdul Hamid is the current president of which of the following country?

a.       Nepal

b.      Maldives

c.       Bangladesh

d.      Iran


20.   Who is the current president of Brazil

a.       Jair Bolsonaro

b.      Michel Temer

c.       Hamilton Mourao

d.      NOT