Functions of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)

11.       Chairman of the board is appointed by _______________?

a.       Federal Board of Revenue

b.      Federal Government

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

12.       Who can appoint the secretary of the board?

a.       Federal government

b.      Chairman of the board

c.       Provincial government

d.      NOT

13.       If for any reason, the appointment of the chairman is delayed, then Federal government can appoint ____________ as acting chairman.

a.       Commissioner Inland Revenue

b.      Commissioner Appeal

c.       Most Senior Member

d.      NOT

14.       It is required to have meeting of the board at least once in ____________?

a.       2 months

b.      2 years

c.       6 months

d.      12 months

15.       Fiscal laws means a general reference to the laws relating to _____________?

a.       HR

b.      Tax matters

c.       Employment matters

d.      AOT

16.       ____________ is a policy related to employees for the purpose of the increasing efficiency in the functioning of FBR.

a.       Fiscal policy

b.      Human resource policy

c.       Tax Policy

d.      NOT

17.       The establishment of Federal Board of Revenue is given under section ___________ of FBR Act 2007.

a.       2

b.      3

c.       4

d.      NOT

18.       Federal Board of revenue should have at least ____________ members?

a.       11

b.      9

c.       7

d.      NOT

19.       ____________ can designate any member who shall act as an Acting Chairman if the chairman is absent for any reason.

a.       Federal government

b.      Chairman

c.       Commissioner

d.      NOT

20.   The Power and Functions of the board are discussed under __________ section of the Federal Board of Revenue Act, 2007?

a.       2

b.      3

c.       4

d.      6