Functions of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)

21.       The chairman of the board has responsibility_______________?

a.       Formulation and administration of fiscal policies

b.      Levy and collection of the federal taxes

c.       Quasi-judicial function of hearing of appeals

d.      AOT

22.       How many categories of member are there in FBR?

a.       7

b.      11

c.       4

d.      2

23.       Which of the following is the category of FBR member?

a.       Operational Members

b.      Policy Members

c.       Functional Members

d.      Support Members

e.      AOT

24.       Operational Members are sub-divided into ___________members?

a.       Members IR Operations

b.      Member Customs Operations

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

25.       Policy members are again sub-divided into _____________ members?

a.       Member IR Policy

b.      Member Customs Policy

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

26.       Functional members are sub-divided into________________members?

a.       Member Admin/HR

b.      Member FATE

c.       Member (Audit & Accounting)

d.      AOT

27.       Support Members are sub-divided into_________________members?

a.       Member Legal

b.      Member IT

c.       Member Legal & Accounting (Customs)

d.      Member (Reforms & Modernization)

e.      AOT

28.       FBR has ___________ wings

a.       4

b.      7

c.       9

d.      11

29.       Section 3 of FBR Act, 2007 deals with ______________?

a.       Establishment of FBR

b.      Functions of FBR

c.       Representation to the Chairman

d.      NOT

30.   Section 5 of FBR Act, 2007 deals with __________?

a.       Establishment of Policy Board

b.      Establishment of FBR

c.       Human Resource Management

d.      NOT