Functions of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)

31.       Establishment of policy board is discussed under section___________?

a.       3

b.      4

c.       5

d.      6

e.      NOT


32.       Section 6 of FBR Act 2007 discusses about _________________?

a.       Establishment of FBR

b.      Human Resource Management

c.       Establishment of Policy Board

d.      NOT


33.       Who can act as secretary of the policy board?

a.       Federal government

b.      Chairman

c.       Commissioner

d.      NOT


34.       Name the current chairman of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

a.       Mr. Asim Ahmed

b.      Mr. Tariq Bajwa

c.       Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmed

d.      NOT


35.       Which of the following is the function of the FBR?

a.       To implement the tax administration reforms

b.      To improve the productivity

c.       Grant additional allowances to employees and board members

d.      To create surplus pool of employees

e.      AOT


36.       How many sections are there in Federal Board of Revenue Act, 2007?

a.       49

b.      76

c.       24

d.      212


37.       According to Federal Board of Revenue Act, 1990 a person may be_________?

a.       Natural person

b.      Entity

c.       Company or Association

d.      Body of persons (incorporated or not)

e.      AOT

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