Important Prepositions MCQs

11. Their anxiety _____ the war to end.
a. From
b. Of
c. For
d. To

12. They will make a bargain ____ his uncle.
a. To
b. Of
c. Into
d. With
e. From

13. David took charge ____ the minister after his father’s death.
a. In
b. Of
c. From
d. To

14. New politicians take an oath of allegiance _____ their party.
a. In
b. From
c. Into
d. To

15. They pray for deliverance _____ their sins.
a. To
b. For
c. From
d. With

16. The hostel manager has issued an apology _____ his mistake.
a. To
b. From
c. With
d. For

17. John has an insatiable appetite _____ Books.
a. From
b. In
c. For
d. To

18. That book cannot stand a comparison ____ this.
a. For
b. From
c. With
d. In
e. To

19. Alexander had a deep distrust _____ all modern sciences.
a. In
b. For
c. Of
d. To

20. They work to assure conformity ____ the student’s wishes.
a. To
b. With
c. From
d. In

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