MCQs About Northern Areas of Pakistan

11.   Siachen Glacier is near:

(a)    Astor

(b)    Baltistan

(c)    Chilas

(d)    Skardu

12.   Which place is on the Roof of the World?

(a)    Chitral

(b)    Baltistan

(c)    Skardu

(d)    Chilas

13.   Karakoram Highways passes through:

(a)    Himalaya

(b)    Karakoram

(c)    Pamir

(d)    All of them

14.   Which place is called as Little Tibet?

(a)    Chitral

(b)    Chilas

(c)    Baltistan

(d)    Skardu

15.   Satpara Lake is near:

(a)    Hunza

(b)    Skardu

(c)    Swat

(d)    Chitral

16.   The capital of Pakistan’s Northern Area is:

(a)    Swat

(b)    Baltistan

(c)    Hunza

(d)    Gilgit

17.   Which Pakistan area is sandwiched between China and Indian Held Kashmir?

(a)    Astor

(b)    Baltistan

(c)    Chitral

(d)    Kalash

18.   ______place is said “the place where heaven and earth meet”?

(a)     Punial

(b)    Chitral

(c)    Kalash

(d)    Swat

19.   Where the deposits of precious and semi-precious stones such as rubies and garnets are found?

(a)    Gilgit

(b)    Hunza

(c)    Skardu

(d)    Swat

20.   Ruby mines are situated in:

(a)    Swat

(b)    Skardu

(c)    Hunza

(d)    Gilgit

Learn About Difference Between National Highways and Motorways