MCQs of Canterbury Tales

11.       The Canterbury Tales is written in…………. grew out of old English, Germanic, and French languages.

a)        Modern English

b)        Middle English

c)        Advanced English

d)       Old English

12.       The pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales were asked to participate in a storytelling contest for a ……… by the host of Tabard Inn.

a)        Free dinner

b)        Free lunch

c)        Free supper

d)       Free breakfast

13.       It was agreed between the pilgrims and the host of the Tabard Inn that every pilgrim would tell…. stories on the way to Canterbury and ….. stories on the way back home.

a)        Two

b)        Three

c)        Four

d)       five

14.       In the Canterbury Tales, some stories could not be…….by some pilgrims.

a)        told

b)        finished

c)        concealed

d)       Forgotten

15.       Chaucer did not give importance to social status while setting the order of storytelling as he let …..tell the story after the Knight had taken his turn. There was a visible difference between the social status of the Knight and ……

a)        Pardoner

b)        The Prioress

c)        Miller

d)       Squire

16.       In the Canterbury Tales, Miller told a story that insulted……

a)        Monk

b)        Knight

c)        Practitioner

d)       Reeves

17.       In Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer presented himself as a …….. between the two groups; the group of pilgrims and the group of audience. It has been told in lines from 34 to 38.

a)        Judge

b)        Mediator

c)        Host

d)       Impartial

18.       Medieval Social theory divides society into three broad classes; the military, the clergy, and ……..

a)        Royal

b)        Laity

c)        Feudal

d)       Merchant

19.       By the late fourteen century, the Catholic Church had got …….and …..

a)        wealth, power

b)        respect, honor

c)        dignity, status

d)       Influenced, succeeded

20.  Fabliaux is a literary term used for the…….stories popular in the fourteenth century in Italy and France.

a)        Tragic

b)        Horror

c)        Humorous

d)       Short