31. The Canterbury Tales was first published in the year…..
a) 1483
b) 1486
c) 1476
d) 1492
32. Whom Shrine was to be visited by the pilgrims in Canterbury?
a) King Harry
b) Thomas Becket
c) Harry Bailly
d) William Coxton
33. In the Canterbury Tales, who knew the table manners very well and could speak the French language fluently?
a) Pardoner
b) The Knight
c) The Wife of Bath
d) The Prioress
34. Who was martyred by the supporters of King Harry in the year 1170?
a) Dominic
b) Thomas Becket
c) Francis
d) Clare
35. One of the pilgrims had studied at the University of Oxford. What was his name?
a) Monk
b) Frier
c) Clerk
d) Physician
36. When were The Canterbury Tales written by Chaucer?
a) 1392
b) 1382
c) 1372
d) 1362
37. While listening to the Knight’s story, we experience a perfect example of courtly love. In the Knight’s story, Palamon marries……..
a) Arcite
b) Emelye
c) Venus
d) Saturn
38. The women most desire their husbands to be dominated by them. Who gave this point of view in the Canterbury Tales?
a) The Prioress
b) Monk
c) Pardoner
d) Wife of Bath
39. In the Canterbury Tales, the tale told by Miller is an example of ……
a) Fabliau
b) Alliteration
c) Paradox
d) Oxymoron
40. Chaucer has beautifully described the facial features of different characters in the Canterbury Tales; for example, the character with the forked beard is…..
a) Pardoner
b) Monk
c) Physician
d) Merchant