MCQs of Canterbury Tales

61. Canterbury Tales is a compilation of beautiful stories told by different pilgrims. In Millers’ story, there is a poor student who was well-versed in astrology. What is his name?

a) Absalon

b) Nicholas

c) John

d) William

62. While reading through Miller’s Tale, you come to know about a vain clergyman desperately in love with…

a) Diana

b) John’s sister

c) Alisoun

d) Nicolas’s mother

63. In Miller’s Tale, Alisoun is a female character. Her husband’s name is….

a) Nicolas

b) John

c) Kim

d) David

64. While reading through Canterbury Tales, you reach Wife of Bath’s Tale. You know Wife of Bath considers herself to be an expert on marriages. How many marriages has she made?

a) Seven

b) Nine

c) Five

d) Three

65. Wife of Bath’s tale is very interesting and comical in many ways; for example, she boasts of her…..time and again.

a) Thinking power

b) Physical power

c) Financial power

d) Sexual power

66. The wife of Bath declared three of her husbands being better than the other ones because they were old, rich, and……..

a) Authoritarian

b) Submissive

c) Friendly

d) Brave

67. While reading through Canterbury Tales, we come to know that the narrator declared himself as a ………

a) Character

b) Judge

c) Host

d) Impartial person

68. Canterbury Tales carries a statement of the narrator that shows his apology for……

a) Telling a lie

b) Hurting other’s feelings

c) Speaking bitter truth

d) Criticizing others

69. While introducing the Knight, Chaucer tells us in the Canterbury Tales that he has participated in not less than….. crusades.

a) Fifteen

b) Fourteen

c) Thirteen

d) Twelve

70. Reading Wife of Bath’s Tale, some people get confused about whether Bath is the name of woman’s husband: Bath is a …… on Avon river where the woman belongs to.

a) City

b) Town

c) Village

d) County