MCQs of Federal Excise Act, 2005

111. According to the requirement of the Federal Excise Act, A special judge shall be a person who _______?
a. Is a Session Judge
b. Has been a Session Judge
c. Is qualified to be a Session Judge
d. AOT

112. Trial of offenses by the special judge is explained in ________ section?
a. 20
b. 21
c. 22
d. NOT

113. Trial of offenses by the special judge can only be initiated if the complaint in writing is submitted by _________?
a. Officer of Inland Revenue
b. Army person
c. Both a and b
d. NOT

114. Who has the authority to transfer a case from one special judge to another special judge?
a. Special judge
b. Special court
c. High court
d. Federal Government

115. Federal Government may transfer a case from the court of one special judge to the court of another special judge under _____ circumstances?
a. To promote ends of justice
b. General convenience of parties
c. Both a and b
d. NOT

116. Appeal against the order of a special judge is defined under section _________?
a. 19
b. 19A
c. 20
d. 21A

117. An appeal against the order of the special judge in respect of the trial of the offense shall lie to the _________?
a. Supreme court
b. High Court
c. Special court
d. NOT

118. An appeal against the decision of the special judge in respect to the trial of the offense shall lie in the high court within _____ days?
a. 90
b. 60
c. 30
d. NOT

119. Power to arrest and prosecute is well explained under section ___________ of Federal Excise Act, 2005?
a. 21
b. 21A
c. 22
d. NOT

120. An Inspector Inland Revenue may arrest any person due to any valid reason with the permission of __________?
a. Federal Government
b. Supreme Court
c. High Court
d. Commissioner