MCQs of Federal Excise Act, 2005

11.   __________ means premises including precincts where goods are manufactured or any process connected with manufacturing.

a.       Company

b.      Factory

c.       Office

d.      NOT

12.   Structure of officers of Federal Excise Act, 2005 are discussed under section ___________?

a.       29

b.      30

c.       3

d.      NOT

13.   According to Federal Excise Act, 2005 goods falls under schedule?

a.       1st

b.      2nd

c.       3rd

d.      4th

e.      NOT

14.   Which type of insurance is available for goods under Federal Excise Act, 2005?

a.       Fire

b.      Marine

c.       Theft

d.      Accident

e.      AOT

15.   KIBOR stands for _____________________?

a.       Karachi International Bank Offered Rate

b.      Karachi Internal Bank Offered Ratio

c.       Karachi Inter Bank Offered Ratio

d.      Karachi Inter Bank Offered Rate

16.   Non-tariff areas are ____________?

a.       AJK

b.      Northern areas

c.       Where FED doesn’t apply

d.      AOT

17.   _________ are involved in the development of the purchased or leased land?

a.       Property Developer

b.      Promoter

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

18.   The section 2 of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 deals with __________?

a.       Duties specified in the first schedule

b.      Definitions

c.       Short Title

d.      NOT

19.   Duties specified in the first schedule to be levied are discussed in _______ section of FED, 2005?

a.       2nd

b.      3rd

c.       4th

d.      NOT

20.   Goods which are produced in Pakistan and are not mentioned in the first schedule of this act, shall be payable duty at the rate _________?

a.       12.5

b.      17

c.       15

d.      13

e.      NOT