MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

11.   When government spends more money and collects less taxes?

a.       Follows Expansionary FP

b.      Follows Neutral FP

c.       Follows Contractionary FP

d.      AOT

12.   The government implement ________ policy to slow down economic growth in case of high inflation.

a.       Contractionary FP

b.      Expansionary FB

c.       Neutral FP

d.      AOT

13.   In which FP type government raises taxes and reduces government spendings?

a.       Neutral FP

b.      Contractionary FP

c.       Expansionary FB

d.      NOT

14.   Under which type of FP government can pay debts?

a.       Expansionary FP

b.      Neutral FP

c.       Contractionary FP

d.      NOT

15.   Which of the following can measure fiscal deficit in percentage?

a.       Country’s reserves

b.      Import and export

c.       Gross domestic product

d.      NOT

You may also check mcqs of sales tax act, 1990

16.   Who levies taxes in Pakistan?

a.       Board

b.      Finance Minister

c.       National Assembly

d.      President

17.   Fiscal deficit tells about the _________ between revenue and expenditure?

a.       Gap

b.      Statement

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

18.   Before _________ fiscal policy is brought?

a.       Provincial Assembly

b.      Board

c.       National Assembly

d.      President

19.   _________ explains fiscal policy statement?

a.       Total public debt and per capita debt

b.      Total expenditure, total fiscal deficit,

c.       Total net revenue

d.      Fiscal deficit other than foreign grans

e.      AOT

20.   Why taxes are levied?

a.       To collect funds

b.      To provide benefit to the people

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT