MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

31.   __________ Tax is also called as Marginal tax?

a.       Regressive tax

b.      Proportional tax

c.       Progressive tax

d.      Both a and b

32.   ____ type of tax which is levied with larger percentage on the low income people?

a.       Progressive

b.      Regressive

c.       Proportional

d.      AOT

33.   Sales tax is the example of ____________?

a.       Proportional tax

b.      Indirect tax

c.       Progressive tax

d.      Both a and b

34.   What is the meaning of deficit financing?

a.       Borrowing loan from public

b.      Borrowing loan from foreign

c.       Printing new currency

d.      NOT

35.   There are ____ main theories of taxation?

a.       2

b.      3

c.       4

d.      NOT

36.   Motor token tax is ________?

a.       Federal

b.      Provincial

c.       Both a and b

d.      NOT

37.   Distribution of resources among provinces are done through?

a.       National community fare

b.      National finance commission

c.       National final consumption

d.      AOT

38.   ________ are the principles of taxation?

a.       Certainty

b.      Equality

c.       Secrecy

d.      Both a and b

39.   The main source of income of the government is _______?

a.       Public debt

b.      Foreign debt

c.       Printing new currency

d.      Taxes

40.   ______ the type of tax which is levied on commodities?

a.       Direct tax

b.      Indirect

c.       Progressive tax

d.      NOT