MCQs of Fiscal Policy of Pakistan

41.   Under Fiscal Policy concepts, FY stands for________?

a.       Fiscal Year

b.      Financial Year

c.       Foreign Yield

d.      NOT

42.   Who monitors/supervises fiscal policy?

a.       Government

b.      Financial Institution

c.       Prime Minister

d.      NOT

43.   ___________ the objective of fiscal policy?

a.       Economic and price stability

b.      Full employment and allocation of optimum resources

c.       Encourage investment and growth

d.      AOT

44.   Pakistan has _________ GDP Growth rate?

a.       5%

b.      2.2

c.       3.9

d.      2.9

e.      NOT

45.   What is the total revenue target of FBR for this fiscal year?

a.       5.2 Trillion

b.      5.6 Trillion

c.       5.8 Trillion

d.      6 Trillion

46.   IMF has given _____ revenue target for this year?

a.       4.8 Trillion

b.      5.6 Trillion

c.       6 Trillion

d.      NOT

47.   What was the FBR revenue target in 2020 to 2021?

a.       4.4 Trillion

b.      5.6 Trillion

c.       4.7 Trillion

d.      4.9 Trillion

48.   How much present of Annual Budget we need to pay interest for debt we have taken?

a.       30%

b.      41%

c.       39%

d.      AOT

49.   Pakistan need to pay _________ billion interest for the debt it has taken?

a.       3059

b.      7523

c.       3708

d.      NOT

50.   Total debt on Pakistan is _______________?

a.       37078.5 Billion

b.      47078 Billion

c.       49707 Billion

d.      NOT