Dr. Faustus MCQs

91. Dr. Faustus is a character drawn by Marlowe with the dint of hard work. Marlowe has a deep study of Greek mythology; he compares Doctor with … in the play.

a) Icarus 

b) Hercules

c) Hector

d) Odysseus

92. While analyzing Dr. Faustus, it is essential to know about Marlowe’s era and the most notable contemporary of his was ………

a) Bernard Shah

b) William Shakespeare

c) Edison

d) Alfred

93.  Similarly, Christopher Marlowe belongs to the period when the monarch Elizabeth 1 had…….throne.

a) Put on

b) Sold out

c) Kick out

d) Taken over 

94. Christopher Marlowe was a multi-talented person; he had previously served as a ……for the government.

a)  Minister

b) Spy

c) Spokesperson

d) Supporter

95. Marlowe was an ambitious playwright; he had rightly assessed his talent at an early age; he decided to go to …..for a true appreciation of his art.

a) Sicily

b) Sweden

c) Germany

d) London

96. However, Christopher Marlowe could not write a lot like Shakespeare as he could not live longer; whatever he wrote received warm public acceptance. His first play was……

a) Dr. Faustus

b) Macbeth

c) Tambourine part 1

d) Jew of Malta

97. Unfortunately, Marlowe was killed in suspicious circumstances. He was allegedly declared ……by some people.

a) Atheist

b) Liar

c) Terrorist

d) Jew

98. To the amazement of readers, Marlowe wrote ….. plays and three poems in the shortest period of the late 1580s and early 90s.

a) Six

b) Seven

c) Eight

d) Nine

99. No doubt, the symbolism also assumes great importance in the play Dr. Faustus; for example, the blood is mentioned several times in the play. The pact written with blood symbolizes a/an……….deal.

a) Permanent

b) Fair

c) Evil

d) Bad

100. Faustus rejects several disciplines and ancient authorities in the favour of magic. This act of Dr. Faustus symbolizes that he ……with the medieval world.

a) Connects

b) Detaches

c) Breaks
