Dr. Faustus MCQs

41. Though most people did not like the action of Dr. for selling his soul to the devil; one of them was deeply impressed by him. He steals one of the books of Dr. Faustus to learn magic. Who was that person?

a) Wagner

b) Clown

c) Scholar 1

d) Cornelius

42. No doubt, the play Dr. Faustus is one of the masterpieces of English Literature created by Christopher Marlowe. He was born to Canterbury’s famous shoemaker in ……

a) 1562.

b) 1564

c) .1550

d) .1553

43. The play Dr. Faustus also has a sub-theme regarding the fall of Satan; for example, a session of dialogues between Mephastopilis and Dr. Faustus provides the reader with a chance to know that Lucifer was awarded damnation for being……

a) Proud

b) Greedy

c) Bold

d) Insolent

44. Having terrified by the gruesome look of Mephastophilis, Dr. Faustus asks Mephastophilis to reappear in the shape of Franciscan Friar. It is symbolic; for example, it is an indirect attack on …….

a) Nobility

b) Aristocrats

c) Church

d) Religion

45. Christopher Marlowe beautifully sheds light on a variety of topics on morality; for example, in scene VI, Dr. Faustus meets the ……  deadly sins in physical form and provides the reader with a chance to know about true morality.

a) Seven

b) Six

c) Five

d) Nine

46. Dr. Faustus is introduced as a sober scholar at the begging of the play; however, he plays childish tricks on people after he has sold his soul to the devil; for example in the pope’s chamber, he gets invisible and …… pope and friars in a funny way.

a) meets

b) pleases

c) Teases

d) chases

47. Another comic event in the play entertains a reader; in scene eight enters……..carrying a book in his hand asserting that it belonged to Dr. He expresses his desire to collect all maiden of the village for dancing.

a) Ralph

b) Wagner

c) Clown

d) Robin

48. The servants in the play “Dr. Faustus” misuse the incantation; though the scene becomes a bit funny; it turns to be serious when Mephastipilis has to appear; he threatens them to change one in an ape and a ….. to the other.

a) Rat

b) Cat

c) Dog 

d) Horse

49. Having sold his soul to the devil, Faustus start traveling to different European countries. After Rome’s visit, he visits ………and meets Emperor Carolus.

a) France

b) German

c) .China

d) Denmark

50. Having received Doctor warmly, Emperor Carolus praises his skills and asks him to present……. in front of him to his amazement.

a) Jesus Christ

b) Robin Hood

c) Pope Benedict

d) Alexander the Great